The Meter Heater is focused on doing two things: It is a product that is safe and easy to use AND it saves time and money for both water service professionals and homeowners alike.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Introducing a Revolutionary Product: The Meter Heater

For Water Service Providers:
When below freezing temperatures exist for a period of days, water pipes and meters may freeze, causing a lack of water flow in the residence. This situation may impair or completely stop the water circulation, causing stress and resulting in damage or repair costs for the residents. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and this new product minimizes the risk of freezing meters. No tools are necessary. The Meter Heater is designed to create a warmer environment for in-ground meters through the use of warming packets.

For Homeowners:
Since the beginning of time, dealing with the inconvenience of a water meter issue during a seasonal emergency has been a time-consuming or dangerous task. One could only wait for a local water authority or water meter professional to appear, wait for "the great thaw", or use another source of heat or flame, while hoping to not become a casualty of a sudden spark or gas pocket! Who wants to take that kind of risk? Personal injury should be avoided at all costs. While insurance companies may pay on the claim for household damage, future rates are sure to increase. No longer do we have to consider another option, such as an electric heating pad, which requires electricity and an extension cord. A hair dryer has the same issue… electricity. Some sites on the internet recommend a portable space heater or throwing lit newspapers into the meter pit. Now there's a hot topic. (Pun intended.)

Today, there is the Meter Heater. Safe and non-toxic, requiring no extension cords or hazardous materials. We do not recommend blowtorches, kerosene or propane heaters, charcoal stoves, or any other open-flame procedure; they are simply not necessary.

The Meter Heater is constructed of heavy-duty, water-resistant black canvas and has an interior ventilation pocket, which holds the warming agent. It also comes with an optional lid. It is safe to use; there is no open flame and no risk of fire or explosion, when used according to instructions provided. It is easy to install for both the professional and the homeowner.

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